Publisher: Artist Book
Dimensions: 52 x 43 cm
‘A Zoë/geo/techno archive’ is a visual archive revealing aspects of Diana Taylor’s collection of images and fabrics.
Taylor recently completed a practice-based PhD research undertaken at Sheffield Hallam University 2017-23, in partnership with the William Morris Gallery, London. ‘A Zoë/geo/techno archive’, Edition 1, is part of the permanent collection of the William Morris Gallery.
‘My artistic concerns echo those of Morris in relation to the impact of advancements in a technological revolution upon making processes, and upon the natural world. In this digital revolution I am concerned also with the degradation of the image as a result of the circulation of digital files, alluding to wider ecological concerns.
During the research period I developed and expanded my archive of source images and fabrics, which although appearing to be heterogeneous in reference, can be categorised under the broad theme of nature/culture. For this reason, I have titled this book after Rosi Braidotti’s Zoe/geo/techno assemblage- in her book, ‘Posthuman Thinking’(2019), in which she discusses the significance of the convergence of human and non-human realms.
I have sought to bring my fascination for images and fabrics together using printed ephemera as original found material, photocopied pages from books and screen-printed reproductions of the archives I reference in my practice.’ Diana Taylor